Inventory Costing Per Site for Microsoft Dynamics GP (Product ID: 7817) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Created by David Musgrave of Winthrop Development Consultants Created on : 20-Apr-2015 Last Modified: 01-Oct-2024 Please note that the customer and/or partner takes all responsibility for the implementation and ongoing support as well as future upgrades of this code. Although it has been tested during development, it is strongly recommended that it also be tested by both the partner and the customer in suitable test environments, before being released into a production environment. Please log into each company as a user with Administrator privileges to complete installation. Version History =============== Version 18.07 build 12.2 (Released 01-Oct-2024) Installer: 18.07.0012.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial RTM Build. Version 18.07 build 12.0 (Released 23-Aug-2024) Installer: 18.07.0012.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Beta Build. Version 18.06 build 12.2 (Released 19-Jan-2024) Installer: 18.06.0012.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure Tables are closed when exiting Dynamics Process Server (DPS) to avoid logout errors. Version 18.06 build 12.2 (Released 19-Jan-2024) Installer: 18.06.0012.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated copyright notices for the year 2024. Fixed installer complaining about DPM.EXE when Dell Peripheral Manager is installed and running. Version 18.06 build 12.1 (Released 02-Oct-2023) Installer: 18.06.0012.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial RTM Build Version 18.06 build 12.0 (Released 31-Aug-2023) Installer: 18.06.0012.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Beta Build Version 18.05 build 12.1 (Released 21-Aug-2023) Installer: 18.05.0012.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated to Registration System to add Email Distribution List for additional emails to be included in renewal notes, invoices, update notices, etc. Added feature to open Update Check Window if new install older than published version. Version 18.05 build 11.3 (Released 10-Jan-2023) Installer: 18.05.0011.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated copyright notice for the year 2023. Updated Registration System to restore previous registration keys if no new keys are available for all situations and not just when Grace Period is active. Version 18.05 build 11.2 (Released 03-Oct-2022) Installer: 18.05.0011.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated Installer to allow Microsoft Dynamics GP to launched upon completion. Version 18.05 build 11.0 (Released 01-Sep-2022) Installer: 18.05.0011.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial 18.5 Pre-release Build. Version 18.04 build 11.1 (Released 10-Aug-2022) Installer: 18.04.0011.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated Installer Version 18.04 build 10.4 (Released 23-May-2022) Installer: 18.04.0010.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated Table Upgrade system to confirm before upgrading version and table structures for a new build as this will force all workstations to be upgraded to match. Version 18.04 build 10.3 (Released 16-Mar-2022) Installer: 18.04.0010.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Please Wait Dialogs when opening the Registration window when it is communicating with the registration server. Fixed possible Illegal Address error if Registration window is closed immediately after clicking OK on Proxy Settings window. Change http:// hyperlinks to https:// to avoid need for redirection. Updated copyright notice for the year 2022. Version 18.04 build 10.2 (Released 01-Oct-2021) Installer: 18.04.0010.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial 18.4 Pre-release Build. Version 18.04 build 10.0 (Released 01-Sep-2021) Installer: 18.04.0010.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial 18.4 Pre-release Build. Version 18.03 build 10.2 (Released 02-Jan-2021) Installer: 18.03.0010.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Help Button to windows. Fixed code to prevent updated version check for Process Server and Service Mode. Prevent shortcut access to modal and internal windows. Updated About Window to require administrator privileges to Uninstall or Reinstall Winthrop products. Updated Installer Welcome window wording to reduce the chance of confusion about version numbers of Winthrop products vs Microsoft Dynamics GP. Updated copyright notice for the year 2021. Version 18.03 build 10.1 (Released 06-Oct-2020) Installer: 18.03.0010.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial 18.3 Build. Version 18.02 build 10.1 (Released 11-Aug-2020) Installer: 18.02.0010.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Remove previous deprecated registration system from product. Added workaround fix to issue where Visual Studio Addin Events for Functions and Procedures are disabled after importing a Customization Maintenance package. Added extra Inventory Costing Per Site windows to the Inventory >> Setup menu. Added Additional Launch File Installer to install product into additional Launch Files for multiple Launch File configurations. Updated Additional Launch File Installer to exclude Wennsoft/Key2Act WSUTIL.SET file. Updated Additional Launch File Installer to remember Excluded Launch File Names in WDC_InstallExclude Dex.ini file setting. Enhancements to registration system to preserve invoicing data when automatically creating subscription records for new versions. Added extra warning on login if there is a dictionary version mismatch between version constants and dictionary version properties, usually caused by old custom forms dictionaries. Updated Table installation system to be more robust and provide more information if there are problems creating a table. Further Updates for Web Client compatibility. Added optional warning or warning and exit feature to the Registration window, so you can prevent users accessing the system if the product is not registered. Version 18.02 build 9.2 (Released 15-Feb-2020) Installer: 18.02.0009.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixes required for Web Client compatibility to the registration system when using a proxy server. Version 18.02 build 9.1 (Released 18-Dec-2019) Installer: 18.02.0009.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed registration logging bug when updating builds or hotfixes. Version 18.02 build 9.1 (Released 24-Oct-2019) Installer: 18.02.0009.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Enhanced Registration support for trial keys. Version 18.02 build 9.1 (Released 07-Oct-2019) Installer: 18.02.0009.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Build for Modern Lifecycle 18.02 release. Updated for Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 RTM code. Version 18.00 build 9.1 (Released 30-Sep-2019) Installer: 18.00.0009.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Support for Modern Lifecycle version numbering. Version 18.00 build 9.1 (Released 11-Jul-2019) Installer: 18.00.0009.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated Registration system to ensure grace period stays active if Update Keys is clicked after subscription has already expired. Version 18.00 build 9.1 (Released 28-May-2019) Installer: 18.00.0009.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated code for SOP_Item_Inquiry due to changes made in GP 2018 R2. Updated Registration window to format contact details and standardize the country selection. Further updates to Registration Update Check systems to improve performance and functionality. Updated About window and registration window for better Web Client compatibility. Updated About window to simplify un-install with option for workstation only or full system un-install. Fixed Registration System to ensure new module is registered with same expiry date as existing base module. Updated Offline Registration Request Report for compatibility with Registration system. Updated Country auto formatting to remove not found error when selecting countries with additional words in their name. Updated Copyright Notices for 2019. Enhancements to Automatic Update Check and Registration systems to include additional warnings and version check. Fixed minor issues with error messages in Registration system. Fixed issue with Registration Contact Details window where the list of countries disappears. Added improved logging of Registration system calls. Added improved handling for systems that are offline and cannot access the registration server. Added option to mark a system as not internet connected so that it stays offline. This can help with communication timeouts. Added improved handling for systems that are offline and cannot access the update check server. Added further changes to improve handling of systems that are offline and cannot access the registration server. Increase Registration Server Ping Timeout from 5 seconds to 10 seconds to avoid false activating of offline mode. Added GP Release to About Window. Updated Installer to handle installing R2 version of dictionary and dictionary assembly DDL files. Version 18.00 build 8.1 (Released 26-Jul-2018) Installer: 18.00.0008.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Further updates to Registration Update Check systems to improve performance and functionality. Fixed issue with Addin DLL not loading in Web Client or Service Modes. Version 18.00 build 7 (Released 01-Jul-2018) Installer: 18.00.0007.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates to Registration and Update Check systems. Updates to Registration systems for better error reporting and Sub Site Support. Updates to Registration systems for better performance and Sub Site Support. Version 18.00 build 6 (Released 05-Apr-2018) Installer: 18.00.0006.15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added visual indicator of when registration window is running in offline mode. Fixed auto renewal code for free products to renew annual subscriptions from 45 days before expiry. Version 18.00 build 6 (Released 17-Mar-2018) Installer: 18.00.0006.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added additional exception handling to ensure the Communicating with Registration Server window gets closed. Added automatic updating of registration when Microsoft Dynamics GP Registration keys are entered or updated. Version 18.00 build 6 (Released 16-Feb-2018) Installer: 18.00.0006.13 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated Registration System to include optional logging facility. Added additional handling to registration system when unable to access registration servers. Added additional handling to registration system to prevent users entering incorrect data. Version 18.00 build 6 (Released 08-Dec-2017) Installer: 18.00.0006.12 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Automatically remove Application.InventoryCostingPerSite.dll from Addins folder if present. Fixed Automatic Update Check displaying error messages if unable to contact web service. Added Retry option to Update Check window to allow error messages to be displayed if needed. Added warning when Addin DLL is not installed when opening Registration window. Added additional warnings when Addin DLL is not installed when trying to register. Added additional instructions to Registration Contact Details window. Added Access to Registration window from Additional Menu of Dynamics GP Registration window. Added version information to Registration and Registration Contact Details windows. Version 18.00 build 6 (Released 02-Dec-2017) Installer: 18.00.0006.11 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Installer Help Links. Version 18.00 build 6 (Released 14-Nov-2017) Installer: 18.00.0006.10 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 release. Version 16.00 build 6 (Released 14-Nov-2017) Installer: 16.00.0006.10 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated About Inventory Costing Per Site window. Updated Code Signing Certificate. Updated Trigger registration error messages. Fixed Do Not Remind Again not working for Registration dialogs. Added Automatic Check for Updates feature. Added internal Registration System and Mekorma Product Manager removal and cleanup. Version 16.00 build 6 Installer: 16.00.0006.8 --------------------------------------------- Updated Registration Handling code to handle when it is called before it is fully initialised. Version 16.00 build 6 Installer: 16.00.0006.7 --------------------------------------------- Updated Mekorma Product Manager support files. Version 16.00 build 6 Installer: 16.00.0006.6 --------------------------------------------- Updated Installer to force re-install of Mekorma Product Manager when dictionary has been deleted. Version 16.00 build 6 Installer: 16.00.0006.5 --------------------------------------------- Updated Mekorma Product Manager support files. Updated SQL Permission Checks to use 'SQLLoginID' of globals instead of 'User ID' of globals to support Web client only users. Updated Subscription Expiry dialogs to allow them to be dismissed for longer periods. Version 16.00 build 6 Installer: 16.00.0006.4 --------------------------------------------- Updated Mekorma Product Manager Version 16.00 build 6 Installer: 16.00.0006.3 --------------------------------------------- Initial build for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 Version 14.00 build 6 Installer: 14.00.0006.3 --------------------------------------------- Installer updated to comply with Microsoft's changes to Windows Enforcement of Authenticode Code Signing and Timestamping. Enable Trial Mode Registration when unregistered and using Sample Company. Add Automatic Reordering of products in Launch file when Row Level Filtering is present. Version 14.00 build 6 Installer: 14.00.0006.2 --------------------------------------------- Improved Multiple Instance handling. Version 14.00 build 6 Installer: 14.00.0006.1 --------------------------------------------- Added Registration and Installer. Version 14.00 build 5 --------------------- Added Dex.ini setting WDC_Inventory_Transfer_Pause=TRUE to allow checking of transfer data before posting. Fixed Site ID and U of M Lookups on Purchase Requisitions Entry window. Fixed Site ID and U of M Lookups on Purchase Order Entry and Purchase Order Item Detail windows. Fixed Site ID and U of M Lookups on Receivings Entry and Receivings Entry Item Detail windows. Fixed Site ID and U of M Lookups on Invoice Matching Entry windows. Version 14.00 build 4 --------------------- Fixed "Kit, service, miscellaneous and flat fee items may not be adjusted." message for non-IV items in SOP and POP windows. Fixed Bin information on Inventory Transfer Transactions generated during posting. Version 14.00 build 3 --------------------- Added Support for the Purchase Receipts Inquiry (IV_Purchase_Receipts_Inquiry) window. Added Support for the Inventory Available to Promise Inquiry (ivAvailableToPromiseInquiry) window. Added Support for the Purchase Order Items (POP_PO_Item_Lookup) window. Added Support for the Bin Quantity Inquiry (ivBinQuantityInquiry) window. Version 14.00 build 2 --------------------- Added Support for Inventory Transfer Posting. Added Support for the Item Allocation Inquiry (IV_ItemAllocationInquiry) window. Added Support for the Site Item Assignments (IV_Site_Item_Assignments) window for GP 2013 R2 onwards. Fixed Month out of range error for date conversion when reading data from Item Site Quantities table for Master Items. Fixed Inventory Transfer Posting leaving GL Batch with activity records when original transaction had no GL postable lines left. Version 14.00 build 1 --------------------- Initial build. LEGAL DISCLAIMER ---------------- BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE LIMITATION AND DISCLAIMER SET OUT BELOW MAY NOT APPLY. ACCEPTANCE AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THE SOFTWARE CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROVIDED TO THE LICENSEE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS, USEFULNESS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY THE LICENSEE. WINTHROP DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. FURTHER, WINTHROP DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES REGARDING LACK OF VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF RESPONSES, RESULTS, LACK OF NEGLIGENCE, AND LACK OF WORKMANLIKE EFFORT, FOR THE SOFTWARE. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL WINTHROP DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, AND THE LIKE, ARISING OUT OF THE PERFORMANCE, USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE, ALL OR PART OF EITHER THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF WINTHROP DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES ** End of File **